Saturday, November 3, 2012

Work, School, and Fun!

Hey! I wanted to thank everyone who's been reading my blog! I'm at 3,500 views which is so crazy! It means so much to me to have so much support to what I'm doing.

It's been over a week I have been so busy I haven't even had time to write in my blog, but I'm back :). This past week was super fun! I caught up in school a lot, went to castings, and had a lot of free time to just hang out! Last weekend my dad was in town and we went sailing with our family friends and it was sooo much fun! I also adopted a big brother which was nice :) We were out by San Pedro, it was so beautiful! There was a couple of near-death experiences where I was 99% sure I was going to roll off of the boat, but I made it through it! It was a bummer sending my dad home but he comes back in 2 weeks and I go home shortly after that!

Last Monday I met with an agency from South Korea and they want me to come out March-April 2013! I really hope it works out! I am SO excited! It's so amazing to even be able to consider an opportunity like that, I am so happy that I have such an amazing agent, family and friends backing me up on all of these crazy adventures!

Halloween was really awesome! My mom and I went to the Santa Monica "block party" along with 400,000 other people. My mom dressed up as a big baby and I dressed up as a barbie. We literally just walked the distance of the party and were pooped out! It was really funny sight-seeing all of the crazy costumes people came up with here! There was a big minion, a dragon, a giant wiener (which was quite the popular costume, don't worry I got a picture), and soooo many more! My personal favorite was the fat man dressed in nothing but a tutu...I thought it was gross, but funny!

My birthday is in one week and I am so excited to go to Disney Land with my best friend Jane and her mom, my mom and Ricardo!!

I had some big castings last week and I think the clients really liked me, I'm keeping my fingers crossed! I'll keep up to date about any new jobs.

Tomorrow I have two photo shoots and a LOT of homework, it should be a very busy day! I'm not too sure what all will be happening this coming week, but hopefully it will be a good one:)

My sister and her boyfriend are traveling Thailand right now! I hear they are having an amazing time exploring and can't wait to see them at Christmas. I love you Kailey!
*Here are Kailey and Eric and their friends Brett and Addie in Thailand at the Full Moon festival

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